A Sanskrit Mahakavyam with over 2600 Slokas has been hailed as a masterpiece which speaks about the greatness of our country, culture and heritage.
Mahakavi - Dwisahasravadhani
Brahmasri Dr.Madugula Nagaphani Sarma
Brahmasri Dr. Madugula Nagaphani Sarma was born to a family of Vedic scholars and poets in the village of Kadavakolanu near Tadipadtri in Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh. Right from a tender age, Dr. Sarma was inclined towards Vedic literature, poetry and music. Under the tutelage of his father, he quickly gained mastery in Vedic philosophy, Puranas, Itihasaas and spiritual wisdom. Ignited by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, Dr. Sarma rigorously picked up the art of Avadhanam. By the age of 14, Dr. Sarma had performed his first Avadhanam, making him the youngest Avadhani in the country.
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Avadhana Saraswathi Peetham
As the torchbearer of this pristine art form, Dr. Madugula Nagaphani Sarma felt a need to preserve and assimilate this rare gift by passing it on to the earnest and younger generations. Unlike other skills, there are no formal training institutions like schools and colleges to learn Avadhanam. This was what drove him to establish “Avadhana Saraswathi Peetham” in 1995 Primarily established with a view to preserve and spread the knowledge of Indian culture, Vedic traditions, memory power, the Peetham is also a spiritual destination for pilgrims from all over the world.
Read moreHappenings at Peetham

Special celebrations on the auspicious Moola Nakshatram during Navaratri at the Peetham with Aksharabhyasams and Beejakshara Lekhanam by Guruvu Garu himself.

A 10 day festive celebrations during the Navaratris attracting devotees from all over the world with Daily Alankarams, Pravachanams and blessings from Guruvu Garu.

Conducted on the auspicious occasion of Sri Panchami during Magha Masam, with Askharabhyasams and Beejakshara Lekhanam by Guruvu Garu himself.
Watch latest videos of events at peetham & pravachanams by Brahmasri Dr Madugula Nagaphani Sarma
Audio Works
Listen to High quality audio streaming of stotrams & songs by Brahmasri Dr Madugula Nagaphani Sarma